Thursday, August 6, 2020

A little about myself and my students who will be involved….

My name is Shari Densel. I have taught visual art at Anthony Wayne District School now for 14 years. The school website is This is a public school located in Whitehouse, Ohio, U.S.A. My current position is teaching students in 7th and 8th grades ages 12-14. I teach 2 semesters a year at this school where I will see nearly 200 students a semester. I also teach a visual art education practicum class three nights a week at Bowling Green State University to senior level art education undergraduates. As an artist I enjoy working in all media from painting and drawing to sculpting and printmaking.

The students I will be selecting to participate in this project will be from my first semester 7th and 8th grade students. All of my students will be involved with this lesson however only a select few will be working to create a piece that will be part of the final collaborative installation. By late September or early October, I hope to be introducing my selected 37 students to the students they will work with in Morija as well as to this blog.